Sunday, December 25, 2011

DMA Day 7

Day 7, December 24...Christmas Eve
Conditions had improved greatly. The seas were running 1 to 2 feet but there was still a bit of wind. The first dive was at Long Key Ledge. The task of the dive was Workshop #4 - DSD Additional Open Water Dive. The goal was for a divemaster candidate to lead 2 DSD divers on a tour, while controlling their every move. It went quite well considering the minor current and surge. It's alot harder than it looks.
The second dive was at Pillars of Atlantis or 'bridge rubble'. This was to be a Search & Recovery exercise. Alex and Rich had visited the sight a week before, setting out crates with weights in them which were the starting points and objects to be found and lifted. We took our teams down and had them wait under the boat while we, the instructors, went out to the patch to find the starting points. Visibility was crap so it wasn't an easy task. Also, one of the starting points was missing. Rich never di find his starting point or crew.
I found my starting point, retrieved my team and set them to the task of searching for the 'object'. Once found they rigged it to a lift bag and floated it back to the starting point. Next they floated it up to the boat for the completion of the task. They were the only team to complete the task. The other teams spent their dive waiting under the boat. At least they logged another dive.
The evening session was short. Christy gave a briefing on mapping and log books were signed.

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