Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oops..there goes the logbook!

I had an unfortunate incident happen with my computer the other day, The hard drive decided to hiccup and I had to re-format the drive. Luckily I backup 98% of my data so I didn't lose much. I did lose my address book which was a major loss, but I have rebuilt most of it.
Although I didn't lose my logbook the only backup I had, even on my external drive, was from dive 996. It was the same for my paper logbook. I was on dive 1009 which meant I had to dig up data on the 13 missing dives. I know "...a good dive logs his dives daily...".

The first thing I did was to check my dive computer. When I tried to turn it on it didn't respond...the battery was dead. I feared that all of the data was lost but after installing a new battery I was able to acces my dive log. I filled in the dive data for the dives I was missing but I still didn't have the dive site information.

I sent an email to the Conch Pearl but they didn't have any information on the dive sites we had visited for that time period. I was at a loss for ideas. Then I started reading this blog, checking to see if I had documented the activities for the dates that I was missing. Success! I had.

From the blog entries I was able to complete the missing information for the dive log. I used the information to bring my computer dive log and my paper dive log up to date.

This incident showed me that I had lost some of the discipline that I had for scuba diving. I will take some time and examine other areas of my diving to see if I have become as lax in any other areas.

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