Saturday, March 26, 2011

Done with SLS031911A

The last day with the crew went well. Although we expected bad visibility at 'middle sambo' (western sambo) it was actually good. The vans were waiting for us when we arrived at the dock so the lucky crew didn't have to clean the boat. I was able to get a much needed nap on the drive home which made the evening go much better. The crew still had a pile of certification paperwork to complete for their advanture diver certs. which had us in the chart room until after 8pm. All I have left is a few loose ends on the paperwork and I'm done with them.
Now I have to deal with the next crew, which arrived a day early. Thankfully Christy and Laura did the swim test, equipment issue and pool check with them. There are two more crew members yet to arrive but that will be easy. Thanks girls!

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