Monday, April 18, 2011

SLS041611A On the boat...first dive

The following page is a description of what the crew went through on their first full day, which is pretty much what all crews go through.

The crew had a very, very busy morning. They got up and packed most of their gear for the boat before breakfast. After breakfast it was off to the pool. Every crew has to get into the pool, in full scuba gear, to do a complete scuba review. There are about 20 skills that are reviewed. Everyone did ok which means we take them diving without any remedial training. They packed up their scuba gear and off to the commisary we went. At the commisary we loaded ice (5 LARGE coolers), and all of our food for the week. After that it was back to the scuba area to load all of the scuba gear and personal gear. Now we're ready to depart for the Conch Pearl; about a two hour drive. We stopped at Walgreens on the way to pick up a few necessary items.

We arrived at the Conch Pearl and it was time to unload the trailer and move everything about 50 yards to the boat. This crew did it very quickly; not an easy task. With everything on the dock we loaded all of the food and set up the scuba gear on the boat. Next Captain Denny sat everyone down for a thorough orientation. (see photo) The orientation covers alot of information, including some of what was covered the night before. Captain Denny believes that info. doesn't stick until it has been heard three times. After the orientation the crew loaded their personal gear and picked out their bunks. Finally, lunch time.

We departed the dock and headed out into the ocean. We were on our way to the first dive site, Western Sambo, for the first dive. I did my dive briefing then an in-water conditions check. Unfortunately the visibility was only 10-15 feet which is marginal. The first dive is a lead dive where the divers follow me around the reef. It gives me a chance to look the crew over in the open water. They did fine. We didn't lose anybody and we made it back to the boat. They saw a few animals which is rare on the lead dive because they are focused on staying with the group. They saw an eel, a ray and sea urchins. Tommorow I'll turn them loose to dive on their own.

After the dive we headed back to our mooring right off of Key West. We immediately set up for dinner...'crazy dream burgers'. I don't know what took place after dinner as I fell asleep, something I do quite often. Napping is a big part of the trip.

For those that are concerned, Squirt made it on-board.


Tomorrow there will be more pics.


  1. Sounds like a busy day...and that is just before lunchtime! Wish the visibility would have been better for you,but how exciting for the boys to see a ray, eel and urchins! Hope today is beautiful with great visibility.

    i am sure everyone is enjoying the adventure!
    Glad "squirt" made it...(:

  2. Diver Dave,

    Sounds like the week is off to a great start! My son Joseph is in your crew and I'll be following this week and looking forward to reading the highlights. So exciting to see creatures the first day in the water. Glad you have a good weather forecast for the week. Thanks for sharing the adventure --

    Deb Tew
